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In this project, EKORAIL played a crucial role as the Technical Project Manager for the upgrade of locomotives to the ETCS Baseline 3.4 standard. EKORAIL was responsible for overseeing the entire technical process, managing the integration of the European Train Control System (ETCS) into the fleet. With technical expertise and by coordinating between stakeholders and addressing issues promptly, EKORAIL ensured the successful completion of the upgrade, enhancing safety, efficiency, and interoperability across the rail network.
The project utilized GPS data from railway vehicles to create interactive heatmaps that visualize rail traffic across Europe. By aggregating real-time location data from trains, the heatmaps provide a dynamic view of rail activity, highlighting areas with high or low traffic volumes. These visualizations offer valuable insights for owners, keepers and ECMs to improve fleet and infrastructure management. The maps present large amouts of data in an accessible, user-friendly format.
In this project, EKORAIL provided support in expanding the operational reach of locomotives initially authorized only for use in Sweden to also be certified for operation in Norway. EKORAIL provided support to the process of obtaining the necessary «Extended Area of Use» authorization for the vehicle type, ensuring compliance with both Swedish and Norwegian rail standards. In addition to the type authorization, EKORAIL led the «Confirmity to Type» application for each individual locomotive, ensuring that every unit met the specific regulatory requirements and technical specifications required for Norwegian operations. This project facilitated seamless cross-border operations, increasing the efficiency and flexibility of the rail network between Sweden and Norway.